welcome, Northwest Allprep/ BOS students!
For Transcripts, or records, call Luda at (425)354-9031
or email ludabondar.nw@gmail.com
Find Your Staff Directory and Other Resources Here
It is expected that, at a minimum, every student will communicate with their teacher weekly via Edgenuity, video chat, email, text message, or phone call.
Teachers are expected to set up regular communication that meets the needs of each student. Students and their teachers may also be expected to have a weekly face-to-face meeting in the student's home, an agreed on location, or in an Ed Center or the NWA office. Face-to-face meetings can be every two weeks if the student and teacher are taking advantage of other communication technology such as Zoom.
NWA is committed to having face-to-face contact opportunities and local office hours. The current office hour locations support current clusters of students who are enrolled with NWA. Should students enroll from other locations we will set up an office, or use an Ed Center, in the area. Students are also expected to use our office, and/or Ed Center, for student-student interaction and group work, as needed.
There is also the possibility that in areas with fewer students that a family will open up their house as a "once a week Ed Center."
Very remote students are expected to use online or phone systems to facilitate regular face-to-face meetings with their teachers.